Seeking members willing to embrace a life of courage, commitment, and integrity.
Find Out MoreOur Mission, Vision, and Values |
The Opportunity Is Now! |
Interior Search and Rescue | CCFES Squads |
Emergency Medical Care: Their Story |
Flammable Liquids and Pressurized Container |
This is the new mission, vision, and values of Cherokee County Fire & Emergency Services as we strive to serve you with courage, commitment, and integrity every day. | Courage. Commitment. Integrity. We're hiring, The opportunity is now! | Expect Fire. Expect Victims. Interior Search and Rescue (ISAR) is a crucial skill all firefighters must learn before entering the field and running calls. | In addition to fire protection, CCFES provides EMS Transport to all Cherokee County citizens and visitors. We staff 14 full-time ambulances, 2 M-F day trucks, and 2 full-time medical supervisors. | On December 8th, 2021, Cherokee Fire had the opportunity to hear this family's story from their time of need. We are fortunate to have outstanding citizens to serve and incredible members to serve them. | Our Cherokee Fire recruits put in the work. You'll learn how to combat fires in large, pressurized containers as well as put out flammable liquids fires. |
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